Born in the same year the Viking II spacecraft landed on Mars, Stephen Gaskell writes about aliens, apocalypses, and weird science. His work has been published in numerous venues including Writers of the Future, Clarkesworld, Interzone, and Year’s Best Military SF and Space Opera. An expert on the Endless Universe, he is currently Lead Writer at Amplitude Studios, where he imagines star spanning adventures and fights with game designers

Before he started writing science fiction, Stephen graduated with a degree in physics from University College, Oxford. Since then he has yo-yo’d between the worlds of academia and work, picking up a maths and physics PGCE from the University of Brighton and a masters degree in artificial intelligence from the University of Sussex, while enjoying stints as a software engineer, personal tutor, and barman.

A keen gamer, he takes frequent busman’s holidays into magical worlds, and is constantly astounded by the artistry, ingenuity, and creativity of his industry peers. His backlog is prodigious.

He lives on England’s south coast with his wife and daughter, where he is hard at work on all things Endless.